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Overview OF T4YB APP

The Train 4 Your Best App was developed to deliver the most Individualized Sport Performance, Movement Recovery, Personal Training Programs in the world.  The T4YB app allows you to workout anywhere at anytime.  Our team of experts will design you an optimal program to help you reach your full potential.  This is the same app we use for all of our NFL SUPERSTARS! All workouts come with voiced over video examples of exercises to make sure your form is perfect!  It's easy to use to make sure ANYONE can benefit from being on a program!

Beginner- This option is perfect for a really young athlete looking to get started or an adult who just wants to get moving again!  

Custom- Our custom package is begins to program your workouts to your individual needs.  This option is perfect for those ready to take the next step in personalized programming

Elite- Having trouble with accountability?  The Elite option is perfect for you! Individualized programming, accountability, check-ins, and the T4YB staff just a click away!

Pro- The pro option allows us to be your full-time Body Coach.   We not only evaluate in person, but we do game film, nutrition, or anything else to help reach your goals!

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"We train together, every step of the way!"

Let us help you reach your reach potential! Come train with us!


App Overview

Beginner Plan 

Custom Plan

Pro Plan



Functional and Safe Workouts Delivered Remotely

Ability to Set and Track Goals

Ability to Connect with Other Fitness Apps for Progression



Customized Daily Programming Delivered Remotely to App


Ability to Set and Track Goals

Ability to Connect with Other Fitness Apps for Progression

Sport Specific and/or Goal Oriented Programming

Ability to Communicate w/T4YB Team Remotely

Programming Updated Monthly

Elite Plan 

App recap



Customized Daily Programming Delivered Remotely to App

Ability to Set and Track Goals

Ability to Connect with Other Fitness Apps for Progression

Position Specific and/or Goal Oriented Programming

Ability to Communicate w/T4YB Team Remotely


Programming Updated Weekly

Bi-Weekly Accountability


Pre-program Online Screen to Maximize Program Customization

Nutritional Guidance and Sport Specific Conditioning programs


In-program tweaks as needed


Contact for Pricing

Customized Daily Programming Delivered Remotely to App

Ability to Set and Track Goals

Ability to Connect with Other Fitness Apps for Progression

Sport/Position Specific and/or Goal Oriented Programming

Ability to Communicate w/T4YB Team Remotely


Programming Updated Weekly

Daily Accountability



 In-Person Evaluation of Movement/Posture

Game Film Evaluation

Nutritional Testing

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Daily "To Do" list 

Track body weight, sleep, heart rate, and more!

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Calendar page allows you to see past workouts and what workouts are coming up. 

Track other fitness activities for the day.

Set and track goals to keep you accountable

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Individualized Training Programs to fit your goals

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Daily workouts delivered

Calculated reps and sets

We are always just a click away!

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Videos include explanation of technique

Reps, sets, and days that the workout will be completed

App Tutorial Video Series 

App Overview 

Blue "+" Button Feature 

Calendar Overview

Goal Setting 

Navigating a workout

More Tab/Connecting to other fitness apps 

"My Progress" Tiles 

Training Program Overview

Do the work the Pros do... right from home! 


Zane Gonzalez

Aaron Jones 

Jace Sternberger

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